I was just listening to tWiT's podcast and they were mentioning a blog posting that has created a bad wave towards a bad internet company.
here is the link
in brief the guy bought a $3K professional camera from an online shop. rightfully, he called the camera shop to check on his status a couple days later. at first they tried to sell him some more stuff and then continued dinking him around like that. then they told him that they couldn't send him the camera - but refused to cancel his order. after he threatened to write a blog post about the situation unless they cancelled his order, they proceeded to threaten him.
he hung up and they called back. then they called his boss and accused him of extortion and some other bull shiat. after they threatened him some more and whole bunch of stuff. the scary thing is that this company has a high "yahoo" rating.
alright heres where it gets funny......
so he blogs about the situation and posts the link to the website digg
(which is a peer article review site, the more people who "digg" your post the higher the rating you get) some time later his artcile starts getting loads of diggs (it currently has 7500 or so - the most yet) -- so now the tech geeks have a hold of this story and know the name of the company.
for 3 days straight the techies attacked the camera site and store. they took down there website, sent millions of "false" calls through skype etc. and made their fax machines go crazy. they rendered the biz unoperable for 3 straight days. hahahahha- i thought that was super funny - like a revenge of the nerds movie.
just goes to show that although the internet creates an opening for scams - the way the word passes like wildfire is an interesting counter balance.
so moral of the story is don't piss of any nerds - they may block your cell phone for a week.
here is some lingo in order to blend in:
mirror site
n.A file server that contains a duplicate set of files of another file server, thereby sharing the burden of distribution to ensure rapid availability of data when there is heavy demand.