how do you blog?

To add some context I discovered this wonderful post on ITGarage which led me the entire collection over at Sandhill Trek. (note: read the article from the bottom of the page to the top) The question posed was "How do you blog?" here is a snipit:

Howblog_1 I blog as if there are readers, listeners, viewers... people with whom I am communicating. I blog as a member of a community.

I use a few simple tools to create my blog posts. I have blogged in four different environments, using Blogger, Radio Userland, TypePad, and WordPress. Inexpertly, I use several packages to prepare post content. I use

  • SnagIt, to grab images from the screen.
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It is neat to see how people approach blogging very differently. I think the people in the article are "expert" bloggers and really do it in a more serious formal way then me - I think I am more of a "baby blogger".

Here is how I, baby blogger, blog:

I read a lot through out the day. Just about 15 minutes at a time. Lots of articles get me going, but those aren’t necessarily the ones I write about. I write like I think. Which is pretty scattered and all over the place. Yet at the same time I can focus well. A weird balance.

I just write about anything that flows – as i like to do this as a hobby - a relaxing and creative thing. I also have a sex and the city, carrie bradshaw fantasy going on.

And important thing for me is to have good music. Which I usually do as I have some good sources (bre). So I usually listen to an album and then put something down. I don’t really edit to much (can you tell – eek) at first. But I read it over later on. (and depending on whether it is a socially acceptable hour a glass of wine is always key - or some 'chips')

I also like to put a picture - so I go to google images and type in a random phrase related to my post and see what pops up. I swear that is an art into itself.

How do you blog?

[for a smart ass answer see photo]

update: just read this article about a research test done on Wikipedia. For those who don't know Wikipedia is a free encyclo that anyone in the world can edit. Seems like a fluffy concept BUT note that the research revealed that it was just as accurate as encyclo Britannica wrt science. Pretty awesome.