Well I just found out about this new web resource
Wikilaw. This is similar to wikipedia but as a legal resource - plus it is free. I just think this is a great idea and a way to deliver legal knowledge to all real life terms/language. I'll be sure to check it out and contribute what I can in the realm of IP (but i think it is US law - so my knowledge may be somewhat limited - but I am just going to upload my notes from Oxford this summer as we did cover some US law) I also emailed my video game law prof and told him to go to town (although he just got a new job for orca bay and is super super super busy - but maybe he will be super nice and upload his book -- although his publishers may not let him!) i emailed some other profs too!
I doesn't look like they have a Canadian branch but I emailed the founders (2 law students from NY) so maybe they will get a Canadian framework up soon also.
UPDATE:from wiki-law FAQQuestions about Democracy 2.0
Q: 'Goal: To grant everyone the space to shape our country's law.' -- Which country?
A: The United States at first, hopefully over time the world. We are planning to start a Canadian Democracy 2.0 soon.