bloggers could get paid for a sweet post
here is a short article from WIRED:
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The news gets casual: A media website scheduled to debut Wednesday will seek to blend traditional journalism with the freeform commentary developed through blogs.
Some 70 web journalists, including Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds and David Corn, Washington editor of the Nation magazine, have agreed to participate in OSM — short for Open Source Media.
OSM will link to individual blog postings and highlight the best contributions, chosen by OSM editors, in a special section. Bloggers will be paid undisclosed sums based on traffic they generate.
The ad-supported OSM site will also carry news feeds from Newstex, which in turn receives stories from The Associated Press, Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service and other traditional media organizations.
It is a bit hard to piece together the details - but thanks to another blog attempting to do the same here is the OSM website
-check out the other post url in my comments for more details!
also if you like searching through craigslist and other classified check out the new Google Base - which is a online classified system that is currently in beta testing
this is a cool new community novel project - it is like a wiki novel - so check out GLYPHO
Categories: tech+news