great lil green machine grants some IT to all
In the summer I remember reading an article about MIT developping a cheap computer which would allow everyone to access the power of computing - so I was pleased to see that the $100 green machine laptop was showcased at the UN Information Society summit. It is a great little machine:
*super durable (made of rubber) with a little handle
*low power
*you wind it up to make it work (like old school clocks)
*simple interface
*cheap - $100
*multi purpose (computer, network capabilities, gaming, portable media and more)
here is another more detailed article from Wired on it.
I just think that this is a great project and am happy to see that all can tap into the power of information and IT. These little inspirational stories are what I cling too -- They are aiming to get every kid on the planet a laptop by 2010! It is up to governments to promise to buy millions of these machines in order to take part in this project (because in order to keep the price low at $100 they need to produce super high quantities). The primary focus is on developping worlds but I think we also have a need for these in Canada so let's get our nation on this bandwagon!
pic from BBC
Categories: tech+news